
see through中文什么意思

发音:   用"see through"造句
  • 干完,干到底
  • 看穿, 识破
  • 看穿,识破
  • 看穿,看透
  • 看穿,识破,帮助度过难关
  • 看穿,识破,干完,干到底
  • 看穿某人
  • 看透,看破
  • 看透,识破
  • 识破,看透
  • 识破;看穿
  • see:    vt. 1.看见;看到。 2.细看;观察。 3.观看;参 ...
  • through:     The river flows throug ...
  • see it through:    使某事顺利通过
  • see-through:    adj. (物件等)透明的,可以看到内部的;(衣服等)透视的,极薄的。 2.n. 透视装,极薄的衣服。
  • just to see through this payphone:    刚看到这个收费电话; 因为这付费电话
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Do you think i don't see through that ?
  2. One can 't see through a brick wall .
  3. His story was seen through at once .
  4. I can see through your little game .
  5. I see through your little game .


  1. remain with until completion; "I must see the job through"
  2. perceive the true nature of; "We could see through her apparent calm"
  3. support financially through a period of time; "The scholarship saw me through college"; "This money will see me through next month"



        see throughとは意味:see through 看破 かんぱ
        see through meaning: Verb: see through    seethroo Support financially through a period of time  Perceive the true nature of "We could see through her apparent calm"   Remain with u...
        see through en francais:y voir clair, être lucide v. pénétrer les intentions de quelqu'un; mener jusqu'au bout; percer à jour (un secret)
        see through artinya:menyelami
        see through 뜻:완수하다
        see through перевод:1) быть, присутствовать (где-л.) до конца Ex: to see the operation through присутствовать до конца операции Ex: to see the war through провоевать всю войну 2) доводить (что-л.) до конца Ex: to see...


  1. see them in movies 什么意思
  2. see them stir and they start to rise 什么意思
  3. see there beyond the hill 什么意思
  4. see things better 什么意思
  5. see things in black and white 什么意思
  6. see through a brick wall 什么意思
  7. see through a double dealer 什么意思
  8. see through a false appearance 什么意思
  9. see through a fraud 什么意思
  10. see through a ladder 什么意思


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